A Complete Guide to Arduino Syntax (C++)
This article details the basic syntax for defining constants, including libraries, making comments, and using punctuation in your Arduino programs.

Defining constants
- To define constants, write:
- #define [name] [value]
- The #define syntax allows the programmer to give a name to a constant value before the program is compiled, allowing any references to the constant to be replaced with the defined value when the program is running.
- However, although convenient, using #define presents a few things to watch out for:
- Firstly, you should ensure that you are using proper syntax:
- When writing “#define constantName value”, you cannot punctuate the line with a semicolon (unlike other lines of code).
- Secondly, you must be careful to not involuntarily include an “=” in between the constantName and the value that is being defined.
- Thirdly, declaring constants is different to defining variables (and declaring variables, but we will discuss that later)
- Writing const before a variable in the code setup() or before will change the variable to a “read-only” format, meaning that its value cannot be changed later in the program. In other words, it is constant. It serves as a more popular alternative to #define.
- When using arrays (a data type referencing a collection of variables), you cannot use const.
- A benefit of using const over #define is that const allows you to specify a data type for the constant being defined, as you can see in this image:
In the following code, pi is declared as a float (a data type similar to an integer, except where decimals are included in the constant). For a challenge, try to identify the error in the code below:
— — — —
const float pi = 3.14;
(no, the equals sign here is not an error — it is used for defining constants)
float x;
// ….
x = pi*2;
pi = 7;
— — — —
The error: In the first line, pi is declared as a constant; for this reason, improper syntax is used in the last line, as it tries to modify the constant’s value.
- Another important idea for constant/variable declaration: Variable Scope
- Declaring variables and defining constants only becomes useful when they are declared in the right parts of a program; this is called variable scope, and it’s the idea that any variable is limited to the place in which it’s defined. For instance, when a variable/constant is declared outside both the setup and the loop functions, it is called a global variable, meaning it can be used throughout the program. On the other hand, if a variable is declared within a for-loop, it can only be used within that loop (if you try to reference a local variable in a segment of code where it was not originally defined, the program will return an undefined value).
Including Libraries:
- To include libraries in your Arduino programs, write the following statement:
- #include<library.h>
- Using #include allows programmer to use and reference pre-made libraries in their program. (These libraries can be found and downloaded in the Arduino library manager, which is located under the ‘tools’ tab at the top of your computer screen.)
- Careful: both #include and #define functions do not use semicolons, and employing one results in an error.
- When using an external component in your circuit, like a LCD display for instance, you would include that component’s premade library in your program so that the microcontroller would recognize it (this is a simplified explanation of how libraries work). Here is an example of what that looks like in practice:
In this image, take note of the syntax when referencing libraries:

- Comments are ignored by the processor and serve as a way to inform yourself and others about the way a program works. There are two primary types of comments, which are detailed below.
Single-Line Comments //
- These comments have no coding functionality, but merely allow you to add your own thoughts or reminders in the code. When using the // syntax, the comment cannot take up more than one line of code.
Block Comment /* */
- Serve the same purpose as single-line comments, but using this syntax allows for a multi-line comment: the comment must start with /* and end with */. Everything in between these two symbols will be ignored by the compiler and will not occupy any space in your program.
- Usually, I use a block comment when I need to modify an aspect of code or identify the aspect of a program that is causing a given error but not remove it entirely in the process; in these instances, I comment the original code and modify it outside of the comment.
In the below image, you can see that I have commented to let other programmers know which pin refers to which color of LED:

The Semicolon (;)
- Semicolons are used to end a statement (line of code).
- Forgetting to include a semicolon will prompt a compiler error; however, it is important to remember that #include and #define do not use semicolons.
- Even if you are writing code within an if statement, you must always punctuate each line with a semicolon.
Curly Braces {}
- The opening brace must be followed by a closing brace. Arduino IDE software packs a useful feature that allows you to check that the brackets align properly by clicking on (or near) one brace; once you do this, the paired brace will be highlighted.
These braces are used in:
- Conditional statements
- Loops
- While
- Do
- For
- Functions
- All of these will be detailed in an upcoming article, which you will soon find linked in a comment on this post.
Here is an example of the braces in one of my programs:

I hope you can use this article as a reference point when building your incredible Arduino programs. If you found it helpful, consider leaving a ‘clap’ and subscribing to get notified whenever I post a new article. (For video content, check out my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC25QUdv5BI4KMx598UR0IWA or search for it @puriphico).
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